
Student Life Support Program

Student Life Support Program

General Student Assistance Office

Dedicated staff members will work with students to resolve problems they come across in student life, such as complex issues (e.g., difficulties with studies, personal issues, etc.) about which students may not be sure of “where” the assistance is available or “who” can help.
Practical assistance will also be provided in response to a diverse range of characteristics students may have, including disabilities, to ensure that students can lead an autonomous student life, in collaboration with staff members of the Counseling Room and the Infirmary, as well as teaching faculty members.

Office Hours

Consultation periods have been established for the purpose of deepening exchanges between students and faculty members. Consultation hours for the respective faculty members can be checked on the schedule chart.


First aid emergency care is provided to deal with unforeseen injuries and illnesses on campus. Health related consultations are also provided.

Counseling Room

Counselors with specialist qualifications are available for consultations on issues such as psychological fatigue arising from personal relationships, lack of motivation, or other psychological issues.

Information Services

Fast-speed LAN has been installed on campus. LAN connectors and wireless LAN access points have been established at various locations throughout the campus, ranging from class rooms to cafeteria.
Collection and exchange of information is possible for students at any desired location, simply by connecting the computer to the network. Syllabi, documents and notices related to student life, use of facilities, and a variety of other campus information provided by clerical offices can be accessed from a computer at any time and place.


The student union affiliated with the University offers fully equipped facilities and services to ensure that students can lead their lives with peace of mind, in a calm environment. There are also buildings that are equipped with music (soundproof) rooms where students can practice their musical instruments without any concern about people in the surrounding areas. All student unions are managed by reliable husband and wife teams of building managers who provide support to ensure a pleasant life for the students.

Part-time Work

Part-time Work on Campus

Shobi University recruits students for part-time work to perform tasks to assist in the proceedings of various types of events that are held on campus. Experiences that students gain through part-time work performed on campus prove to be very valuable experiences for them in their future employment; similar to internships (corporate training) they take part in at outside corporations.
Also, part-time job at the university is familiar to students, and allows to freely participate in their university life, and is also very helpful with students life costs.

Regular Part-time Work

Many international students make an “Application for permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted” to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau so that they can work part-time up to 28 hours a week or up to 8 hours a day during long-term holidays. If a student works part time up to 28 hours a week, their income per month will be between approximately 90,000–110,000 yen depending on the employer; this can play a major role in covering the student's expenses while staying in Japan.